How does massage therapy help with your stress and anxiety?

 Massage therapy is a complementary and alternative medicine practice that is often used to treat anxiety, stress, and depression. For the treatment, massage evokes deep relaxations, not only that but it also lowers cortisol levels, which then allows your body to produce serotonin and boosts your ability to fight anxiety, stress, and depression.

Massage Helps with Stress

Stress is a component in today's fast-paced world, which can negatively impact on one's health and well-being according to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA).

Massage stimulates hormones that encourage relaxation, serotonin, and decrease the stress hormone cortisol. It triggers the body to release natural painkillers called endorphins, which help counteract the effect of stress. Not only that, but it also increases blood circulation, releasing muscle tension, and activating sensory receptors.

In addition to relaxing tense muscles and relieving the physical symptoms of stress, massage can help calm your mind and improve your mood.

Massage Helps With Anxiety

Anxiety is an emotion that causes a person to feel tense and suddenly get over worried. The great news is that it is a treatable disease.

For those of you who love to treat themselves to a massage, this great news is for you. Not only does your massage ease tense muscles and boost relaxation, but you can reduce anxiety with massage, lifting your mood in a way that can spread throughout your body, according to dreamclinic.

Massage evokes feelings of deep relaxation that are best for treating anxiety. The anxiety-reducing and mood-enhancing benefits of massage are related to changes in the electroencephalogram (EEG) activity, which is a test used to evaluate the electrical activity in the brain. Massage alters the EEG activity by increasing parasympathetic activity and decreases cortisol levels, which automatically calms the body.

Massage Helps With Depression

Massage manipulates your muscles, and other soft tissues to enhance their function and promote relaxation. Therefore, massage helps to ease feelings of depression. Massage does this by relieving the physical symptoms associated with depression. For example, massage may help alleviate sluggishness, back pain, joint pain, and muscle aches. Not only that, but it also helps relieve fatigue and sleeping problems which are related to depression.

You can now have a massage without a trip to a spa, saving you time and money, click here to learn more.